Be a part of our Climb the Mountain to Clean Water campaign with Challenge21 and Water for People and win cool pieces from Tibet and India! Over the month of February, if you make a donation to Water For People via our WFP fundraising page, we’ll enter your name in the giveaway. Enter now with your donation (every dollar donated qualifies you for one entry, $5 = 5 entries!)

Our first featured product is the Live Tibetan Prayer Bead Necklace. Prayer Beads, also known as Mala Beads, are a sign of world peace and are meant to bring luck and protection to those who wear them. Prayer Beads are used for reciting Buddhist mantra and in many other cultures to center focus for prayer and meditation. Hold the beads in your left hand and rotate them clockwise as you recite a mantra. Smaller malas are used for doing prostrations as a means of purifying the five mental poisons of pride, ignorance, anger, jealousy, and desire.

This beautiful necklace comes in four vibrant colors and also as a bracelet in a wide variety of hues. And don’t forget, any time you buy a Live Tibetan product, a portion of the proceeds goes to addressing the world’s water crisis via Water For People and Challenge 21.

Donate now to enter! The winner will be announced on Thursday, February 16th.

Tagged with → clean water • water for people