After starting with Brazilets - prayer bracelets from Brazil - Kael Robinson has continued to combine social consciousness and entrepreneurship via her importer Live Worldly, which changed its moniker from Live Brazilian after a Wall Street Journal article last October generated inquiries from all over the world.

Today she imports 100 different products (mostly jewelry and fashion accessories) from 30 countries and gives a portion of the sales in the form of
charitable donations to nonprofits in the countries of origin.
“Our main goals are to make people aware of global issues and bring different cultures to the U.S.,” she says. Among Live Worldly’s big hits are Decenarios, Brazilian bracelets imbued with different meanings based on their hue ($5 retail); Sorte Necklaces, also from Brazil, featuring two amulets that are said to bring the wearer good luck ($24 to $60); and Love In India string bracelets, recently spotted on Julia Roberts’ wrist
in “Eat, Pray, Love.” ($5).

ColoradoBiz “Colorado Cool Stuff”