Get Cute Jewelry from All Over the World!

One of the most exciting parts of fashion is when you can explore new cultures, beliefs, and traditions, all while putting together an amazing outfit! Live Worldly brings together fun, unique pieces that would be a perfect addition to your back-to-school wardrobe. Celebs like Kristen Stewart and Lauren Conrad are huge fans of the collection!

Best of all, it’s for an awesome cause. A portion of the proceeds from each purchase goes to a charity in the country the jewelry is from! Some of the pieces can be a little pricey, but the Live Brazilian bracelets shown here are only $8 to $10, and we’re completely obsessed with them. Loading your arm with bangles is still one of our favorite accessory trends, and these are an awesome addition to our collection! Plus, the smaller bracelets are supposed to make three wishes come true when they fall off… maybe your crush will finally profess his love to you this year!

Which Live Worldly country’s jewelry are you most in love with? Sound off in the comments!

Seventeen “Get Cute Jewelry from All Over the World”